Texas Open House at The Makery in Bulverde

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You are invited to the third annual open house sponsored by Pepetools and hosted by Francesca Watson of The Makery in Bulverde TX. After facing a devastating fire nearly 8 months ago, Francesca has rebuilt from the ground-up! We are thrilled to celebrate the open house at this new location for the second year.

This is a one day event, that will have many products available for demonstrations, get a hands-on look at a wide array of our newest products. There will be show specials you can only find at the open house.

Please add one ticket per cart, so we know how many we can expect for refreshments. There is no charge to come to the event. This event always brings the community together in an amazing way, and we look forward to seeing you again for the third year in a row. Please see below for more event information.

Already registered with The Makery? Awesome! In that case it is not necessary to register here.

Location - The Makery - 2545 Bulverde Road, Bulverde, TX 78163

Date - Saturday, November 23rd

Time - 9am to 5pm

Cost - Free to enter

Parking - Plenty of free parking available

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